Thursday, June 11, 2009

Adios España..

Tomorrow I leave Spain, and I will miss it immensely. I'll miss all the times Ozie got back from a show and we went to Open Core or to the park to see if we could find some "truzzi" ( unfortunately we never did). I'll miss Esty ( happy now..) Ozie, and a whole other things,I'll even miss Ozie laughing in my ear and stepping on my feet all day..
This place has some memories of fun things, sad things, good friends, bad friends,good food,bad food..and yeah well you get the point.
So now I don't want to be more emotional than I already without further ado here are some pictures of fun times we managed to catch on camera..

I'll miss Spain....A LOT!


  1. oh your leaving huh? well, it looked like you had a lot of fun. hope you have a good time back in italy. you have to fill me in on everything you've been doing next time we chat, okay mina? i am expecting it of you :D
    love you xxx

  2. ohhhhh guys...i miss you all so much, i doing my tests in two days, thats why i was super antisocial, i mean i guess you should expect it, but i got to say...awwwww this post is so sad, but...niceeee moments indeed. I hope you all are doing super good. Be good Fish, be good my deranged Mina and be good Orangutanagu.

